What is exchange?

Exchange is the term used to describe the arrangement where an ANU student is selected to go to a partner university in another country, and a student from the partner university comes to ANU in their place. The exchange placement is typically one semester (six months) in length, but can be extended to a year (subject to approval and availability).

While on international exchange, you will be enrolled in a full-time study load (24 units*) at the ANU but be completing courses at the exchange university. You are only approved to complete courses which will count towards your degree. We therefore strongly recommend you plan on completing all of the core/compulsory courses at the ANU and use discipline and/or university electives for exchange. If you are in a situation in which you cannot find acceptable course(s) for inclusion in your ANU degree, you will not be able to go on exchange even if you have an offer for a place at the partner institution.

Outbound Exchange

Eligibility criteria and requirements

To be eligible to apply for exchange, you must:

  • have successfully completed at least 48 units (one full year of study) at the ANU by the time you go on exchange;
  • have at least 24 units remaining on your degree to be utilised for exchange*; and
  • have a GPA of at least 4 out of 7, or above a pass average. Certain exchange partners require a GPA of at least 6.

*Unless you will be in your final semester of your ANU degree (and still have 18 units to complete) or you are registered with ANU Access and Inclusion and have official documentation that recommends a reduced load due to your personal circumstances.

For other criteria please see Exchange eligibility and requirements (ANU).

Before you apply

Please see the information sessions provided by Global Programs at ANU Global Programs

There are many things to take into account when contemplating going on exchange. Please work through the following points to help you consider if exchange is right for you.

Understand your ‘program requirements’

It is your responsibility to understand your ANU program requirements, and map out via a study plan, how exchange courses might fit into your program.

Go to Programs and Courses, find your program information, select the ‘Academic Year’ (year you commenced studying), go to the ‘Study’ tab to find your program requirements. Here you will see how many units you must complete, at what levels, compulsory courses etc.

Make a study plan

Using your program requirement information (see above), make a study plan.

You can refer to Stay on track with your studies to help you map out a study plan, or create your own.

A study plan should illustrate:

  • what courses/units you have already completed
  • what courses/units you still have to do
  • what courses are compulsory, specified, electives etc.
  • what courses will count towards major/minor/specialisations, and other program requirements.

In other words, the study plan will help you identify what courses you should complete at ANU and which courses/units could be completed on exchange. For instance, compulsory courses should be completed at ANU, electives can be completed on exchange.

When planning, it’s also important to consider what the level the courses are (noting that you have a maximum number of first year/ 1XXX Level courses you can complete as part of your program) and when courses are offered. Not all courses are offered every semester.

Consider how exchange may fit in to your program

How many units must I do on exchange?

Students must go on exchange for a full-time load of 24 units. (*18 units in certain instances). What courses can I study on exchange?

  • Electives – highly recommend: It is strongly advised that you utilise university elective and/or discipline elective spaces within your program to complete courses while on exchange. If you’re early in your program and you’re considering applying for exchange in the future, we recommend that you save some of your elective space to use while on exchange to ensure you will be approved for credit.
  • Core/compulsory, Major/Minor/Specialisations – unlikely to be approved: Please be aware that you are unlikely to be approved for credit for courses completed while on exchange for a core/compulsory course within your program, or for courses that are required as part of a compulsory major, minor or specialisation. If you wish to apply for these types of courses you must have an exceptional, compelling justification. Additionally, the onus is on you to demonstrate how the course/s you have selected aligns with the core course learning outcomes, content/topics, assessment structure and volume of learning (i.e. ~130 hours).
  • Specified credit vs Unspecified credit: If you are seeking “specified credit” (i.e. credit for a specific ANU course – e.g. ENG4528) as opposed to “unspecified credit” (which appears on your transcript as generic code and description – e.g. COMP3995 - Unspecified COMP Elective”) for courses completed while on exchange, the onus is on you to carefully map the exchange course against the learning outcomes and structure of the ANU course. Courses that are not mapped by you to specific ANU courses as part of the course approval process will only be awarded as “unspecified credit”.

For information on the different types of credit you can apply for see How credit is articulated further below.

What courses can’t I study on exchange?

  • You cannot undertake the purported equivalent of an ANU compulsory course, unless you are approved to do so on the basis of exceptional, compelling circumstances.
  • You cannot have already completed substantially the same course at ANU.
  • You cannot apply for remote learning whilst on exchange.
  • You cannot apply for overload.

When is the best time to go on exchange?

At the earliest, you can apply to go on exchange in your second (2nd) year (once you have completed at least 48 units).

Consider going on exchange once you have settled into your studies, understand your program requirements, have completed some compulsory courses and are clearer about your preferences, strengths and goals.

Exact timing will depend on the length of your degree and program requirements, especially, the completion of compulsory courses and any project requirements. For example:

  • Advanced Computing and Software Engineering – students should avoid exchange in third and fourth year, or be aware that exchange may prolong your program duration as you are required to undertake an annual group project in these years.
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – students should avoid exchange in fourth year, as you are required to undertake an annual individual research project in this year (ENGN4350) or a group capstone project (ENGN4300) – both which run consecutively over two semesters. Going on exchange in your final year will likely extend the duration of your program, as altering the sequence of your project course is not typically approved.

Program specific requirements

If you are required to complete a group or individual project as part of your core program requirements, you need to factor these requirements around your exchange plans, as students are not permitted to complete core project courses while abroad. You may need to undertake an alternative study pattern to those provided in your ANU program requirements. It is your responsibility to draft your alternate study pattern and provide it to CECC Student Services for review and discussion as part of your initial exchange enquiry. Your alternate study plan may subsequently require formal approval, particularly if it results in an extension of your program, substituting courses, overloading or splitting courses (e.g. project courses) that run over two consecutive semesters.

Flexible double degrees

If you are in a flexible double degree, you do not have any University Electives within the CECC component of your program. You may be able to complete some courses as discipline electives while on exchange; however, you may find it easier to accommodate courses that count towards your other program (see below). If you plan to do courses that will count towards both sides of your FDD or courses that count exclusively to your CECC program, be aware that you will need to map your exchange course preferences and back-ups very carefully. If you intend to seek “specified credit” (as opposed to “unspecified credit”), additional approval steps are required. Please review the points in “what courses can I study”.

  • CECC only exchange: This means that your courses are only going to count for your CECC program. You would be enrolled in 24 units of COMP5920 or ENGN5920
  • A combined exchange: This means that you do part of your exchange for CECC credit, and the other part will be credit for your other degree component. For example, you may elect to do 6 units for the CECC degree, and 18 units for the other degree, or 12 units for each degree, or any combination that makes up 24 units. Your enrolment in the shell course will reflect this split.
  • A non-CECC exchange: You may do your exchange for the non-CECC component only. If this is the case, CECC does not need to approve your courses. You must go through your other college.
  • Note: if you are not studying any CECC courses on your exchange you DO NOT need to get approval from the ANU CECC. If you do elect to do this, and you decide to change and do CECC courses overseas and want them to count to your CECC component, you will need to contact CECC as soon as possible so we can change your enrolment, and then start the course approval process.

General advice

You are strongly advised to consider how the exchange period might impact on the sequencing of your courses upon return, especially for compulsory courses. Going on exchange is not grounds for waiving course requirements or substituting core/compulsory/specified courses within your degree so if exchange impacts your access to a required course, you will likely need to extend your program.

To be clear – in some instances, going on exchange may extend the length of your program, delaying your graduation.

Researching exchange universities and their courses

When researching exchange universities and their courses, you should consider the following:

  • If you are going on exchange and using your ANU university electives; you have the greatest flexibility.
  • If you are intending to apply for specified course credit, it is strongly recommended the exchange university have a school/college that specialises in your area/s of study. E.g. do they have an Engineering or Computing department/school/college?
  • Consider if there are enough course options to choose from, that will meet your ANU/CECC program requirements. Will you be able to enrol in other courses if your first, second, third… preferences don’t work out? See Why back up options are important.

  • Check if the courses you are interested in are offered to exchange students.
  • Check that the courses you are interested in have a clear course description, list of topics, prescribed textbooks and readings, pre-requisites, contact hours and assessment tasks. It is your responsibility to research your exchange options and find detailed course outlines in English.
  • For a list of exchange universities our College’s students have previously attended, see Previous and popular exchange partners for CECC students (PDF download).

How to apply

Global Programs processes

Go to Global Programs How to apply for exchange (ANU) and follow the steps and links provided there. You will be guided to:

  • attend an information session
  • register with Global Programs and complete a RAID check request
  • await exchange/host university allocation.
  • apply to your exchange university by the required deadline.
College processes

Once you have completed the Global Programs processes above and been allocated a host/exchange university you can contact CECC about applying for Exchange Course Credit Assessment (ECCA).

  • Complete and provide a study plan. See Before you apply
  • Complete an Exchange course credit assessment (ECCA) form (.docx download)
  • Allow 20 business days for processing of ECCA form
  • Receive Exchange Approval Letter from CECC are your exchange courses
  • Enrol in your exchange university courses by the required deadline
  • Once you receive your Exchange Approval Letter, enrol in your ANU exchange shell courses by the required deadline. See Enrolment


1 year (2 semesters) before you intend to go on exchange
  • Attend Global Programs information sessions
  • Take the time to ‘Understand your Program Requirements’ and ‘Make a study plan’ (see Before you apply).

Plan for which courses you should do at ANU and which courses you could do on exchange.

  • Start researching exchange universities and their course offerings. Consider how exchange courses will meet your ANU/CECC program requirements.
  • Register with Global Programs (it is best to do this, AFTER you have made a study plan, and researched your exchange university preferences).
6 months (1 semester) before you go on exchange
  • Wait for your allocation to an exchange university – this is when you can accept (commit) or decline (withdraw) from your allocated exchange university.
  • Once you have accepted/committed to your exchange university you can apply for a credit assessment from CECC for your proposed exchange courses. See Exchange course credit assessment (ECCA) form (.docx download)
  • Credit assessment must be done BEFORE you go on exchange. Please allow 20 business days for processing.
  • Receive your Exchange Approval Letter, which outlines the credit you will receive upon successful completion of your exchange courses.
Before you go on exchange
  • Ensure you have enrolled in your exchange university courses by the required deadlines
  • Ensure you have enrolled in ANU exchange shell courses by the required deadline.
  • See Global Programs for other pre-departure sessions. More information: Step 5 administrative tasks before going on exchange
On exchange


If you arrive at your exchange university and have issues with your enrolment or ability to attend any of your approved courses, please consider the following:

  • Contact the exchange university staff/ course convener to discuss any enrolment/issues
  • Use your back up options to enrol in something else that is already pre-approved by CECC/ANU.
  • If you are still unable to enrol/attend exchange courses successfully, please contact studentadmin.cecc@anu.edu.au as soon as possible.

Finishing your exchange

  • Ensure you have completed any amendments to your enrolment so credit can be applied upon your return to ANU.
  • On completion of your exchange, please ensure that all academic and administrative matters at your exchange/host institution are finalised, particularly unpaid fees or fines, which may cause your results to be withheld.
  • If you would like a copy of your transcript and grades achieved whilst on exchange, it is recommended you get your own copy before you leave your exchange university. The ANU is normally sent an official copy of your exchange transcript but grades are not reflected in your ANU transcript.
Returning to ANU from exchange
  • Upon successful completion of exchange, ANU Global Programs will provide CECC with an official transcript from your exchange institution. This can take up to 6 months depending on the partner’s processes.
  • Once CECC receives your official transcript, we will apply the agreed credit to your program.
  • Credit that appears on your record will not include the grade you achieve at the exchange institution. Your ANU transcript will state “STE” which stands for status external, for the exchange courses you completed.

Frequently Asked Questions

ANU exchange partners

Applying for exchange overseas

Exchange and study abroad financial advice

Exchange course credit assessment (ECCA) form (.docx download)

Stay on track with your studies

Study plan example (.xlsx download)

Enrolment change application

Enrolment change application example

Previous and popular exchange partners for CECC students

Short-term Programs

Short course options

Summer & Winter Short Programs

Before applying for the Short-term Programs, please reach out to CECC Student Services to discuss your situation and study plans.

Cross-institutional Study

Cross-institutional study refers to enrolling in course(s) at another Australian university and counting the credit(s) towards your program at ANU.

Cross-institutional study is only available under special circumstances, e.g. you are in your final semester and the required course is not available at ANU during that semester. In the first instance, you need to contact CECC Student Services to discuss your course plan and your intention to undertake cross-institutional study. You must then send your Application to study elsewhere on a cross-institutional basis to studentadmin.cecc@anu.edu.au and receive the early pre-approval before enrolling at the external university.

Please see Cross-institutional study for more information.

Inbound Exchange

If you are a current university student overseas and your home university is one of our exchange partners then you may apply to study as an inbound exchange student - Applying for exchange at ANU

How to select courses?
  • Check ANU course availability and prerequisites via Programs and Courses. You can check course availability by filtering the year and go to the ‘Class’ tab. Checking the course prerequisites under the ‘Study’ tab, scroll down and there will be a section called ‘ Requisite and Incompatibility’. The requirements to enrol in the courses will be listed there.

  • Prepare your official course outline(s) for the pre-requisite course(s) and official transcript showing successful completion of an equivalent to the pre-requisite course(s) at your home university.

  • For example, if you are applying for a permission code for COMP2300.

    • COMP2300 pre-requisite is ‘To enrol in this course you must have completed COMP1100 or COMP1130 or COMP1730; AND 6 units of 1000-level MATH courses’. In this case, you will need to prove that you have completed a course (call it Course A) similar to either COMP1100 or COMP1130 or COMP1730 and a first year level Mathematics course. You will need to provide the transcript showing that you have completed (passed) Course A AND a first year Mathematics course and the official course outline for Course A. If you took Course A in 2022, we will need the course outline for Course A in 2022.
If an ANU Course has no specified course prerequisite but is only available for specific degree(s), am I eligible to apply for the permission code?

For example, if you are applying for COMP6528, the prerequisite for the course is ‘To enrol in this course you must be studying one of the following: Master of Machine Learning and Computer Vision , Master of Computing , or Master of Computing (Advanced).’ In this case, we will assess your application based on your cognate degree.

The courses are NOT available for inbound exchange students

Some certain courses that are offered for a special cohort only, for example, project course or internship course. So inbound exchange students cannot take those courses. Please see below the most frequently requested courses that Inbound Exchange students are unable to enrol into at ANU:

  • PG Projects: COMP8755; COMP8715; COMP8800; ENGN8602; ENGN8601; ENGN8170
  • UG Projects: COMP3740; COMP3770; COMP4560; COMP4550; COMP3740; COMP3500; COMP4500; ENGN4200; ENGN4706; ENGN4712; ENGN4350
Documents required for permission code assessment
  • Official transcript to prove that you have completed the pre-requisite course(s).

  • Official course outline(s) for the pre-requisite course(s). The year(s) of the course outline(s) should be the year(s) that you completed the course(s) (according to the academic transcript). For course outlines, we accept either PDFs or weblinks, as long as they are official and must be in English (if the documents are not in English, a verified translation will be required).

    Please ensure that the course outline(s) provided include(s) the following information:

    • Detailed list of topics covered
    • Learning outcomes
    • Prescribed textbook and other required reading resources
    • Prerequisites including the outlines or descriptions of those pre-requisite courses
    • Contact hours (both coursework and independent study)
    • Assessment types and their weighting
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